
More Apps from Microsoft AppSource

More Apps from Microsoft AppSource

Microsoft AppSource provides hundreds of apps and add-ons for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Data Warhouse and Business Analysis


BCS Itera offers both standard and more sophisticated customer-based business analysis solutions.


HRM4Baltics based on Dynamics 365 Business Central

The best choice for companies looking for a comprehensive personnel and payroll solution.

retail economics software

LS Retail based on Dynamics 365 Business Central

The field of retail is complex, marked by rapid changes and fierce competition.


Cargoson for Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP software

All transport management in one system and digitally accessible


Contract Management for Dynamics 365 Business Central app

This extension provides Contract tracking functionality for Sales and Purchase documents.


CostPocket expense reports for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Business trips – a great change of scenery, until you have to deal with all the post-trip paperwork…


Dimension Correction Tool for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Correct dimension information without reversing posted documents or general ledger entries.


Factoring app for Dynamics 365 Business Central

Factoring functionality enables to automate sales invoice transmissions to a factor and process factor payments.

Package Excise

Package Excise localization for Estonia

This extension provides package excise functionality for Estonia in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Prepayment Management

Prepayment Management

This extension provides customer-specific prepayment functionality for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Realtime Bank

Realtime Bank with Dynamics 365 Business Central

The solution is meant for all who need a quick overview of their balance and incoming payments.